Monday, March 9, 2009

First Day of Pre-School & Temple Open House

Kadence had her first day of pre-school last Tuesday. She is so smart and busy I just can't keep her stimulated enough on my own. She would sing and read... all-day-long, which I love to do with her but I do need to do other things too. I also think it will be good for someone other than her mom to be setting rules and boundaries for her. She does very well in primary. Anyway... she LOVED it, and wants to go every single day. It is only on Tuesday mornings, so once a week, then I am getting a couple of kids together on Thursdays to do my own at my house. It should be interesting. She got up at 6 am that morning to get ready because she was so excited. I guess we will see tomorrow if she loves it as much as the first day.

Her dad picked out her backpack the night before, he called me from Wal-Mart and was having a hard time with it all... his little girl being old enough for pre-school. I think his heart was slowly breaking that she is getting older... and that she is our first. They have such a cute relationship and I am so happy about that. He requested that there be lots of pics before we left and he called her on our way down to the school and home to talk to her about it all. It was cute. He is a keeper.

The only one of all three of us, and I look psycho. lol

These were taken with my phone, I left my camera in the car. :(

Wednesday we took a chance and headed down to the Draper Temple Open House... withOUT tickets. Kade and I took Kadence on her "special day", Kash stayed home with my mom. She was such a joy and I think it was just what she needed... its been a long time since she has been alone with just her mom and dad. We hurried to get down before 5 pm so we could hopefully beat the rush of people getting off work, and it worked. We pulled in the first church we saw and told them we didn't have tickets and the parking helper guy just said to go on in. She LOVED the bus ride, she LOVED all the pictures in the temple, she LOVED LOVED the baptismal font and the "bulls" (oxen) around it. It was very busy in the temple though, so we couldn't stop and look at things like she wanted to... we had people in front of us and behind. Afterwards we went to Applebees and ate dinner, and it was so so fun. The ride home was a little scary, the snow storm was pretty bad but we just continued to enjoy each others company anyway.

8 People Had Somethin' to Say:

Parry's said...

I love the one on one time with each of my kids it make a difference. She is a doll!

Holly said...

The Temple is beautiful! So neat that you got to go to the Open HOuse. Wow, and miss K is growing up!!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Pants thinks that Kadence is just so absolutely darling!!!!

Katie Call-Sommer said...

she looks so cute! getting so big!

Carolyn said...

Sweet pics! I remember when my Micah started PK. It was just what he needed at the time. He's 7 now... They go up to fast don't they.

A Pierson said...

Hey Nichole, sorry, I totally meant to write you back the last time I wrote to you... hi! I can't believe how adorable your family is. Your little girl looks just like you did when you were her age... exactly. She's so cute, and so is your little guy.

I'm so glad to see that you're doing well. Keep in touch! (I just love blogs) By the way, you are seriously the only other person I know that knows what scripture scouts are. Aren't they the greatest!

Brandi said...

Wow I can't believe how big Kadence is getting! Probably the last thing you wanna hear, ha ha but she's adorable. And you don't look like a psycho in that picture either. ha ha You look gorgeous!

Lisa said...

I love the pictures of Kadence! You always have her dressed so cute.