Saturday, February 18, 2012
What a crack up.

Thursday, December 1, 2011
A gift of a better marriage.. who doesn't want that??!?
I just wanted to remind you all, The Dating Divas awesome E-Books pre-sale (almost 50% off promo) ends today.
Here is a little bit about each book:
- The A to Z Guide: 26 Ways in 26 Days to a Happier, Healthier Marriage {$9.97}
- The ULTIMATE Date Night Book {$37.00}
- Special Limited Time Offer – BOTH EBOOKS – $20.00 off!! {$27.00}
With the new year coming up... make 2012 the year you vow to do a regular date night. The Dating Divas make it so easy, even for the nights you need to stay in with kids in bed and not spend any money.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
It's Finally Complete
Wow! Do I have a lot to catch up on from this whirlwind of a Summer, then Fall has already come and gone, and now Winter is quickly approaching. We are still alive and kicking... just have had a gazillion projects going on, and lots of family fun.
For now though, swing on over to my photography page, Nicole Martin Photography, and check out it's new look and a super fun GIVEAWAY going on starting today. I mean, who doesn't like FREE stuff!?! As soon as things slow down (hopefully soon) I will be able to catch up on life in general and share some fun stuff going on with us right now.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Getting Back to Me
Have you ever felt like somewhere along the way of kids, responsibilities, service, cleaning, housekeeping, wifely duties, jobs, callings, cooking, taxiing, more cleaning, hobbies, and laundry you just wake up one day and say Where did Nicole (you) go? You have just let yourself slowly get pushed to the side and eventually the back burner just because LIFE takes over. Well around this time of year, every year, I start to feel like this, and it causes some re-prioritization. It's probably a symptom of Spring fever along with the other long list of Spring symptoms, but never-the-less its important to take yourself back. My husband always says "A happy wife is a happy life". He says it usually in sarcasm as I am asking him to do something he doesn't want to do, but still it may be the smartest thing he has ever said. It's true though. As women, we do a better job as mothers and wives and the other million other roles we play if we take time to make ourselves happy. Take time from pleasing others to do something for yourself.
In addition to this I also must add Spiritually how do we stay in tune and influence others spiritually if we aren't taking time to ourselves to study and ponder as well. Sheri Dew said "Because women are innately nurturing, they will sometimes become so busy they don't make time for their own spirituality. In order to be effective ministers, Dew said women need to take time for themselves to be holy.
"If our lives are so busy that we don't have time for our personal worship, something needs to change," she said. "If we could unleash the full influence of covenant-keeping women, the kingdom of God and the world would change overnight."
My problem is I like to be organized and have things "just so". However lately I am spending more time trying to get organized than I am actually doing the things I am trying to organize. Then I get overwhelmed. I found an outline I liked that I tweaked to fit me, and I know I am going to LOVE it. I thought if there was anyone out there feeling at all like me then this might help you as well so here it is. One of my sweet and AMAZING friends Holly does this and she shared it.
2. Relax
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My Goal this week.... is to stop looking & feeling like this. :) |

Thursday, December 16, 2010
A few favorite things for this holiday!
Mod Mum is having a BOGO sale (Buy 1 Get 1 FREE) it only lasts I think through tomorrow the 17th, but I could be wrong. They are already marked down as well. I LOVE LOVE my sling... in fact I have the exact one in this picture and I have used it tons. Its nice when they are newborn but I use it now even on my hip for Oaklynn now at 10 months. If you dont have one GET one, or this would make a great shower gift. You just buy one and then in the comments section put the one you want for FREE.
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They are only $3.99 a set and shipping is cheap. They are well worth it. Or you can order a full set for $19.99 right now on SALE from $24.99. If you ever want to do an all size package of 6 and pick any 6 sizes you can. So, if you wanted 2 size small, 2 size medium and 2 size large they will be happy to do that. Just order the all size package online and send them an e mail immediately and Kate (the owner) will alter the order. Kate has told me I could offer you FREE SHIPPING through Dec 31st. Just enter the code FREE SHIPPING when you checkout. Exp. Dec 31st. |
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Click here to go to their site |

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
First Halloween Fun