Have you ever felt like somewhere along the way of kids, responsibilities, service, cleaning, housekeeping, wifely duties, jobs, callings, cooking, taxiing, more cleaning, hobbies, and laundry you just wake up one day and say Where did Nicole (you) go? You have just let yourself slowly get pushed to the side and eventually the back burner just because LIFE takes over. Well around this time of year, every year, I start to feel like this, and it causes some re-prioritization. It's probably a symptom of Spring fever along with the other long list of Spring symptoms, but never-the-less its important to take yourself back. My husband always says "A happy wife is a happy life". He says it usually in sarcasm as I am asking him to do something he doesn't want to do, but still it may be the smartest thing he has ever said. It's true though. As women, we do a better job as mothers and wives and the other million other roles we play if we take time to make ourselves happy. Take time from pleasing others to do something for yourself.
In addition to this I also must add Spiritually how do we stay in tune and influence others spiritually if we aren't taking time to ourselves to study and ponder as well. Sheri Dew said "Because women are innately nurturing, they will sometimes become so busy they don't make time for their own spirituality. In order to be effective ministers, Dew said women need to take time for themselves to be holy.
"If our lives are so busy that we don't have time for our personal worship, something needs to change," she said. "If we could unleash the full influence of covenant-keeping women, the kingdom of God and the world would change overnight."
My problem is I like to be organized and have things "just so". However lately I am spending more time trying to get organized than I am actually doing the things I am trying to organize. Then I get overwhelmed. I found an outline I liked that I tweaked to fit me, and I know I am going to LOVE it. I thought if there was anyone out there feeling at all like me then this might help you as well so here it is. One of my sweet and AMAZING friends Holly does this and she shared it.
2. Relax
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My Goal this week.... is to stop looking & feeling like this. :) |

3 People Had Somethin' to Say:
Nicole! WOW, that's exactly how I feel! Thanks so much for posting this, I needed to hear this, and I am going to do this!
Way to go Nicole! It's so true! Those quotes you shared were awesome! :) I know it's helped me in trying to balance my life, I hope it does the same for yours! Have a great week girl!
Just like this days like year 2023, I was very sick I mean ill and I couldn't get things done all by myself because of my kidney stones diseases and my herpes but today I thank God that he uses Dr Jekawo to save my life, I'm so grateful for what Dr Jekawo did for me after years of suffering from illness, Dr Jekawo prepare herbal medicines for me that cure my kidney diseases and herpes completely after drinking his herbal medicines for 20 days I'm cured and healthy again, I lived in Ohio USA Dr Jekawo sent me the herbal medicines via DHL courier after paying for the herbs because Dr Jekawo is an African traditional herbal doctor in which he inherit the ancestral power from his forefathers to able to cure all diseases such as Dementia,ALS,Parkinson,Diabetes,Herpes,HPV,Fibroid,Hepatitis,Chlamydia,Hv/Aids, Cancer, Erectile dysfunction. So many I cannot mention out here but when contacted Dr Jekawo on his Email drjekawo@gmail.com he will explain to you about his herbal knowledge journey so far.
I believe anyone here can be sick with any diseases so this my testimony can help someone here.
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