Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Kade!!

Just wanted to post on here Happy Birthday to you Kade! Thanks so much for working so hard to support us and for being the man that you are. I love love love you, and wouldn't change anything about you. (well maybe the few choice words that come out of your mouth sometimes), but other than that I love your faults as well as your strengths.


3 People Had Somethin' to Say:

Jena said...

So his was yesterday and yours is today? Too cool - Happy Birthday to you both!

That's so cool that our birthdays are one week apart - can I ask what year you were born and where? I was born in Evanston in '81, so just curious how 'close' we were at birth ;-)

Kari said...

Happy Birthday to both of you guys!

by Jana McMurdie said...

OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and I didn't know it was both of your guys' birthdays so while i'm giving my birthday wishes away, i might as well wish both of you a Happy Birthday too! ;) Hope you had a good birthday:)